10 Quotes to Help You Stay Motivated


Need some help to stay motivated? Then this post is just for you!

One of my favorite quotes on motivation is from Zig Ziglar: “People often say that doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” He couldn’t be more right! Everyday, we come across people and situations that can can cause us to get frustrated and even discouraged. Unless we got something to help us stay motivated in pursuing our goals, these roadblocks can easily cause us to make a detour and, eventually, lead us further from our goals. Worst, these can cause us to quit.

Here are 10 different quotes I personally turn to when I need a bit of help to stay motivated:


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Some Additional Tips to Help You Stay Motivated

1. Remember Your Why. When you started your business, I’m pretty sure that you had a list of reasons. Maybe it’s because you want to be able to spend more time with your kids, or it’s so that you can indulge more in your passions like travelling or writing, or perhaps you want to have your husband retire and not have to work so much. The moment that you start feeling discouraged, look back at this list so that you can remind yourself of all of this.

2. Accept That This is Normal. You are not the only one that is facing problems and challenges right now. These are all part of the journey. By learning to accept that these are just mere bumps on the road towards success, you’re more easily able to brush it aside and continue on your way.

3. Take Occasional Breaks. This might sound a bit counterintuitive, but it actually works. The time you become most vulnerable to discouragement, frustration, and the feeling of wanting to quit happens is when you feel the most tired. Treat yourself to a break once in a while. When you’re able to relax and unwind, you’re more able to think more clearly and more able to keep your focus on your goals.

Did this help you? What are some of the things that you do to stay motivated when faced with challenges? Share them in the comments below.

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  1. I guess all these messages say a general theme: we are the only ones responsible for our own success/failure in life. We should just keep going ahead and change for the better.

  2. Hi Adele,

    Great collection of quotes. My favorite is the one about doing what people say you can’t. I always get great satification when I can prove people wrong. But I never do it for them, it’s always for myself. 🙂


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